Digital Artist Extraordinaire In The Making | Texas Graphic Artists

8:18 AM

Today, I wanted to share with you a super talented individual who I believe has the potential to take her art many places. Her attention to detail is just superb. Her name is Allison and she happens to be my niece. Am I biased? Of course!!! I am, but I also think I can recognize talent when I see one. We had a chat about her art and her inspirations. Don't miss the artwork she did of Daniela at the end of our chat. Click on each of the images to view a larger version of it.

May: When did you first know that art was a passion?

Allison: I always have to stop and think a bit before answering questions like this, because art has really always been my outlet, the activity I love to do most. I guess you could say the moment I knew I was serious about it was only after a good while of exposing myself to what was out there, who was out there, and researching the possible fields to find out what works for me so I could put that passion in a direction. I'd say that's when my drive began, but I'm still always learning.

May: How old were you when you first started drawing?

Like most toddlers, I probably picked up a crayon at the age of 2 or 3 and scribbled on some paper. Then I kept at it!

May: What/where/whom do you draw your inspirations from?

Sometimes the cozy atmosphere of anything with an old English feel or maybe my fascination with Asian folklore inspires me. Maybe the way the light plays on passing objects while on the road could direct my next piece. Pretty much anything and everything, whether it be books, movies (I have to say, these are huge), animations, experiences, etc., etc., etc. As far as artists go, I could list names indefinitely, but I'll name a few of my favorites.

One inspiration that's been with me a long time is Kazuo Oga, who can make fantastical worlds seem realistic. Noah Bradley I've discovered recently, but he's been a huge inspiration -not only from the scale and drama in his art, but as a mentor from the loads and loads and loads of artist resources he provides. Other big inspirations include Theo Prins, Paul Kidby, and Alan Lee.

May: What are some of your artistic achievements and/or accolades?

My digital painting take on Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 got "Best in Show" for the Media Fair competition which encompasses all uses of digital software. On deviantART, I placed in a competition and got to have my artwork featured in a private artbook. I've also had a number of my paintings in local museums very recently -the Arlington Museum of Art and an exhibition at the Arlington PDC. More recently than that, however, I collaborated with my great friend Anh and we placed in a statewide business competition for our logos and advertising design.

May: Where can people find more of your work?

Allison: You can find my portfolio here:

I also have a Facebook page where I post updates of my work, sketches/smaller works, or my art process:

May: Are your artworks for sale? 

Allison: Most of everything I post on my website is available for print. I'm available for any freelance work or services as well! You can contact me through my email:, or you can just drop me a note on Facebook.

There's more, but that gives you the gist of it!

Much thanks,


A couple of years ago, I had her illustrate a picture of Daniela. I gave her the picture and said do as you please and below is what she came up with. Isn't that awesome?! An anime version of my daughter. Now, that's original and which kid wouldn't like that.

Original snap shot

Allison's artwork

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