Rios Family | Plano,TX Family Portrait Photographer

11:00 AM

Where GOD and family comes the Rios family. What a beautiful selfless family inside and out. They are very active at their church and they even pack thousands of meals for kids and families in the Philippines as a family. You should see them rocking it with their hair nets! 

I'm so happy to have met such a beautiful, loving family...
Thank you Erica and the rest of the Rios family for choosing me to capture a moment in your life!

Since we have so many amazing photos from their shoot this will be a 3 part blog. So be on the lookout for the next 2, you wouldn't want to miss it!

Thanks for stopping always leave some love for this family with your "LIKES" and "COMMENTS". If you'd like to get on my calendar, don't delay and let's start planning your session today!

With Love ~ May

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